Powerful Strong Woman Quotes

Powerful Strong Woman Quotes –All a woman has to do in this world is contained within the duties of a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother.

Woman Quotes

A beautiful and chaste woman is the perfect workmanship of God, The True glory of angels, the rare miracle of earth, and the sole wonder of the world.

The finest compliment that can be paid to a woman of sense is to address her as such. Next to God we are indebted to women, first for life itself, and then for making it worth having.

Contact with a high-minded woman is good for the life of any man.
Henry Vincent

Women have more strength in their looks, than we have in our laws; and more power by their tears, than we have by our arguments.

Kindness is women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love.

Valuable Woman Quotes

God has placed the genius of women in their hearts; because the works of this genius are always works of love.

There is one in the world who feels for him who is sad a keener pang than he feels for himself; there is one to whom reflected joy is better than that which comes direct; there is one who rejoices in another’s honor, more than in any which is one’s won; there is one on whom another’s transcendent excellence sheds no beam but that of delight; there is one who hides another’s infirmities more faithfully than one’s won; there is one who loses all sense of self in the sentiment of kindness, tenderness, and devotion to another; That one is woman.
Washington Irving

There is a woman at the beginning of all great things.

Women never truly command, till they have given their promise to obey; and they are never in more danger of being made slaves, than when the men are at their feet.

Men at most differ as heaven and earth; but women, worst and best, as heaven and hell.

Strong Woman Quotes Short

A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure.

Nearly every folly committed by woman is born of the stupidity of evil influence of man.

A woman’s greatest glory is to be little talked about by men, whether for good or ill.

A woman’s heart, like the moon, is always changing, but there is always a man in it.

Women are ever in extremes; they are either better or worse than men.

Confident Woman Quotes

To the disgrace of men it is seen, that there are women both more wise to judge what evil is expected, and most constant to bear it when it is happened.
Sir P. Sidney

The most dangerous acquaintance a married woman can make is the female confidante.
Mad Deluzy

The dignity of woman consists in being unknown to the world. – Her glory is the esteem of her husband; her pleasure the happiness of her family.

“Woman!” With that word, life’s dearest hopes and memories come. Truth, beauty, love, in her adored, and earth’s lost paradise restored, in the green bower of home.

The greater part of what women write about women is mere sycohancy to man.
Mad. De Stael

Inspirational Female Quotes

Woman is like the reed which bends to every breeze, but break not in the tempest.

The intuitions of women are better and readier than those of men; her quick decisions without conscious reasons, are frequently far superior to a man’s most careful deductions.
W Aikman

The deepest tenderness a woman can show to a man, is to help him to do his duty.

The world is the book of women . Whatever knowledge they may possess is more commonly acquired by observation that by reading.

No one knows like a woman how to say things which are at once gentle and deep.
Victor Hugo

Attitude Strong Woman Quotes

A woman has this quality in common with the angels, that those who suffer belong to her.

One reason why women are forbidden to preach the gospel, is, that they would persuade without argument and reprove without giving offence.
J. Newton

Woman are the books, the arts, the academies, that show, contain, and nourish all the world.

Women govern us; let us try to render them more perfect. The more they are enlightened, so much the more we shall be. On the cultivation of the minds of women, depends the wisdom of man.

For a silence and a chaste reserve is women’s genuine praise, and to remain quiet within the house.

Inspiring Strong Woman Quotes

The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history.
George Eliot

Modern woman can not get away from love. She is no new woman.

A woman is never too old to be touched by the faithfulness of an old lover.
Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer

The best woman has always somewhat of a man’s strength; and the noblest man of a woman’s gentleness.
Miss Mulock

Woman’s love is writ in water, woman’s faith is traced in sand.

Quotes on Woman

There are only two kinds of women, the plain and the colored.
Oscar Wilde

The great weakness of women (who seek careers) is that they have never been trained to work like men. I mean trained so from infancy. Men are brought up in the tradition that men must work.
John B. watson

O Woman, you are not merely the handiwork of God, but also of men; these are ever endowing you with beauty from their own hearts… You are one-half woman and one-half dream.
Rabindranath Tagore

Even if we conclude that women are not innately better than men, yet because woman is fundamentally different from man in some respects, she may continue to do more than her part for the welfare of future generations, though she still retain many of her hardly won liberties.
E. B. Bourland

Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.
Susan B. Anthony

Best Inspirational Quotes about Female Strength

It is the law of eternal justice that man cannot degrade women without himself falling into degradation; and he cannot raise them without himself becoming better.
A. Marten

Somebody must be longsuffering and meek. With all their follies and vanities and limitations it has been the women who have always practiced this negative but essential virtue.
Corra Harris

A woman too often reasons from her heart; hence two-thirds of her mistakes and her troubles.

The society of women is the element of good manners.

The foundation of domestic happiness is faith in the virtue of woman.

Powerful Women Quotes

O woman! in ordinary cases so mere a mortal, how in the great and rare events of life dost thou swell into the angel!

When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of trifles, I feel no doubt of their capacity for the most herculean undertakings.
Julia Ward Howe

Woman’s honor is nice as ermine, will not bear a soil.

To feel, to love, to suffer, to devote herself will aways be the text of the life of a woman.

The brain women never interest us like the heart; white roses please less than red.
O. W. Holmes

Woman Thoughts

Most men like in women what is most opposite their own characters.

If thou wouldst please the ladies, thou must endeavor to make them pleased with themselves.

Women do act their part when they do make their ordered houses know them.
Sheridan Knowles

I have often thought that the nature of women was inferior to that of men in general, but superior in particular.
Lord Greville

Oh, if the loving, closed heart of a good woman should open before a man, how much controlled tenderness, how many veiled sacrifices and dumb virtues, would he see reposing therein!

Powerful Strong Woman Quotes

Women have more heart and more imagination than men.

Even the most refined and polished of men seldom conceal any of the sacrifices they make, or what it costs to make them. This is reserved for women, and is one of the many proofs they give or their superiority in all matters of affection and delicacy.

The errors of women spring, almost always, from their faith in the good, or their confidence in the true.

Women wish to be loved without a why or a wherefore-not because they are pretty or good, or well-bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.

Women do not transgress the bounds of decorum so often as men; but when they do they go greater lengths.

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